Vanesa Castro
& Iñaki López
researchers, agitators and cultural producers.
Für Alle Fälle - For all ocasions
contact >


Join the project with GOTEO crowdfunding

Passion, another way to play sports is possible consist in organize, edit and share documents about sport and creativity.

Sport, within their rules, hides many possibilities that are rejected. Our project aims to discover, document and share it. We demand an inclusive sport, able to offer more and better variety. A sport beyond competition and gladiator sports figures and for enhancing the creative abilities of each one and the collective.

Although our experience has been with basketball, we want to document these "other forms of play" in any other sport. We want to offer a vision that enhances the creative aspects of sports.

We will produce an audiovisual documentary and several publications with free licenses.

We launched the project in GOTEO, a social network of collective funding (monetary contributions) and distributed collaboration (services, infrastructure and other resources microtareas).

join the project at


We participate with our project PASSIÓN in ART/FÓNIC - Sant Andreu - Barcelona.

ART/FÓNIC is an art exhibition that uses radio as an experimental platform of diffusion.

ART/FÓNIC collects the works of 15 artists selected from Concurs d’Arts Visuals Premi Miquel Casablancas 2011 (Sant Andreu Contemporani). They were commisioned to the sound adaptation or translation of the works & projects they had presented.

ART/FÓNIC is an invasion of radio interferences of two and a half minutes of duration in the program schedule Scanner FM, November 5 to December 5, 2011.

ART/FÓNIC researchs direct communication and dissemination systems, and questions the traditional exhibition models.

ART/FÓNIC is an exhibition platform with three levels of visibility: the issuance of the capsules in Scanner FM, the publication of a CD in digipack and a sound installation of 15 listening points in Sant Andreu Contemporary, from November 25 to January 7 2012.

ART/FÓNIC is officially launched November 25, 2011, during the Festival of Sant Andreu.

ART/FÓNIC is a project curated by Fito Conesa & Pablo G. Polite.

We leave here our sound capsule:

click HERE to listen other audios of this project.

Los Lolos & Passión at Liminal GR

We´ve presented LosLolos & Passión at Antic Teatre, Barcelona, within the program organized by LiminalGr

Liminal GR “En contra del deporte” ("Against sport") Monday, November 21, 2011.

19’30h. “Television broadcasting of car grand prix on Sunday morning. The state of the question”. Luis Miguel Ortego, specialist on cars & researcher of art. Visual conference.

20’15h. Presentation of guerrilla campaign “Avoid sport”, Marc Roig.

20’30h. Selection of videos against sport by Felix Perez Hita, curator & audiovisual producer

21’00h. Presentation of the project “En cadena” by Ruben Santiago, artist.

21’30h. Presentation of the project Torneo Passión, sports peformance & video. Fur Alle Falle.

22’00h. “Audiovisual experiment of a glamorous sport: Biography of an ice skater”. Stop motion & dance. Christina Schultz, artist.

22’45h. Felix Cugat. Concert. Includes the hit “Sí, sí, tú vete al futbol” ("Yes, yes, go to football").

23’00h. Los Lolos. Concert & participatory action. Fur Alle Falle.

Two videos in Festival ZINEBI 53 - Bilbao

Two of our videos "Himno nazi del amor" and "Skarro" in its short version will be screened on November 17 in the cycle "KILLED MEDIA ARTISTS STARS" in the International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao (ZINEBI).

This film series is part of the
"ElectroClass" project , which is making CONSONNI with visual artist María Ruido . A project about the development and dissemination of the identities of class / gender nation that television have developed since its inception in the 80 so far.
This project is realized in 7 parts 7 minutes to be presented at Zinebi 53 on November 17.

10 November we will be at NORMAL

This Thursday November 10 we will make a presentation about Fur Alle Falle and some of our projects.
It will be in NORMAL, cultural intervention space, at the University of Coruña.
Here the website:
See you there!

"Entradas al Salón de Baile" screened at Sydney

Our video "Entradas al Salón de Baile" will be screened at Sydney.

+ info at

DATES: Del 02/11/2011 al 14/12/2011

LOCATION: Instituto Cervantes
22-24 City Road
2008 Chippendale NSW

"Finis Gloriae Mundi" on OUFF2011

The documentary will be screened on October 20 (23:00 pm) and October 21 (20:00)
In the Auditorium Room 1,
The documentary will be screened on October 20 (23:00 pm) and October 21 (20:00)
International Film Festival Ourense OUFF 2011.
Inside Galician panorama section.


Documentary about several controversies linked to cemeteries. César Portela's cemetery in Fisterra and Os Gru's videoclip “Finis Gloriae Mundi”, together with many other examples, are used to analyze the problems that may arise when art poses ideological approaches outside the dominant religious ideas and beliefs.

We will present the film and talk with the audience.

"Soy un pedazo de artista" at Instituto Cervantes and other international festivals

Our video "Soy un pedazo de artista", included in the project Fun at Work, can be watched at different venues of Instituto Cervantes and other international festivals since September.

It´s programmed as part of the film season "Cut, Cut, Cut !!!". A programme with eight short films in the frame of D-Generación. Nuevas experiencias subterráneas de la no ficción.

Moscow 24/09/2011 (20:00 h)
Casablanca 10/10/2011 (19:00 h)
Shanghái 23/12/2011 (19:00 h)
Roma, at Riff Festival (Roma Independent Film Festival). March, 2012.

It has already been watched in Moscow at Festival Artkino, from the 21 to the 25 of September. Also programmed by Instituto Cervantes.

OS GRU Summer tour

We were touring with our music band OS GRU during Summer 2011.
We presented a "Live chou" with our circuit bending machines and iphone app songs.

Places where we performed (All in Spain):

Scándalo (Zamora).
Festival Ao compaz de Saumede (A Bola, Ourense),
Festival Fonfría (Fonfría, Lugo).
Bar Elena (Praia de Cabanas).
Strangelet: Encuentro Intergalaico v.2 (Valadares, Vigo).


We escaped for a few days from #acampadaenred to # acampadasol.

Here you have some links about #spanishrevolution

An article by Cristina Riera linking with many other items on the 15M and #globalcamp

A link to understand the architecture of Sun City

and another link to map # globalcamp,

People taking the squares in the cities, villages,
speaking, building, taking decisions, doing actions, playing politics.

# tomalaplaza

Panorma photos

We´re doing panorama photos, so u can see 360 degrees from our eyes.
Follow ur photos in this site
You might install Silverlight or Photosynth app.
here you have some of the photos.

Mayor Square at Villanueva de los Infantes.

Maus Hábitos view. A Baixa. Porto

"Procrastination" Os Gru

We present you the new clip by Os Gru.
A song about that what is happening to us, humans from the beginning of XXI century.

Recorded in Villanueva de los Infantes, at the head office of RuralC.

A production by Fur Alle Falle & RuralC.

If you want to watch this video in Vimeo go to this link:


We present the song Vainica Triple, in which we collect and update 3 songs from the spanish old band Vainica Double: "The Museum", "Lemon Candy" and ". "Con las manos en la masa".
Here you can listen and download the song.

and here you can acces to Os Gru web site.

!Agitation at Faculty of Fine Arts - Complutense University of Madrid

On February 28 we were in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid, making our chat/conference !Agitation at "la trasera" , a curious place where students are developing activities. The talk was part of the programme Acciones Complementarias . There appeared some pupils, about seven or eight, some teachers and organizers and some cultural observers.
Around a table we showed some of our projects, emphasizing in their development. Teaching them the keys for their implementation and results.
The models are based on exploiting the creative potential of small communities, and undertaking joint projects that seek to be totally self-managed.
We advise attendees on how to conduct participatory events, how to mount a network with other people and make a project more powerful, tricks to make things better, and how to get benefits for all the net-workers.
Projects we showed were performed in
a gallery, in a CSO (Squat Social Center), in a Civic Center and in a Cultural Associaciation in a rural area.

After the chat/conference, which lasted an hour and a half, we went to drink some beers into the space next to the cafeteria, where we talked with some of the students. They told us about their projects, one located in the same space: El espacio POOL (click + info)

We visited another project from the students, it was an ephemeral construction in one of the corridors of the faculty
. + info - El Pasillero

In this space we found various interventions, like this one:

It was a nice evening and a rewarding experience.


In this lecture we present several performance models as a starting point to create cultural events and networks. We show several Fur Alle Falle projects, the keys for the realization and the results obtained.

About !Agitation, cultural dynamization and creation of networks.

For us, !Agitating is to make changes, dynamizing cultural and social structures.
Cultural Agitation is to promote active citizenship, capable of carrying out their own cultural projects.

Cultural agitator works as a link and initial motor of a network, promoting the participation of local actors in the creative process

The work of the agitator

Building tools, resources and innovative models. Teaching guidelines for reproducing this models, so that groups of citizens could learn and adapt to their circumstances and their evolution.
Updating or re-inventing spaces for use.

Improving the working methods of the groups.
Creating projects based on sustainability and self management (through the exchange of goods and services).

The work should contribute to the commons.

It´s not a "cultural animator". It must lead to changes and propose solutions to ideological or aesthetic problems.

It is not an "activist" because its function is not only political or social, is also aesthetics, acting on leisure (although it is hard not to be political).

Institutional or independent.
Being a cultural agitator out of the industry and institutions is complex, often not recognized as professional work and often not remunerated.

Many times cultural agitators are rejected or condemned because of the fact of causing changes that generate crisis (of power, ideas, etc).

In industry, the agitator could be a publicist or a community-manager. Institutionally, he would be a culture or social issues technician or councilor. Cultural agitator should spend time with citizens groups, to find common interests.

He should know the creative potential and the different skills of the members of their community. Then, to promote activities on these interests and abilities, creating knowledge sharing and social and cultural activity.

Voluntary or Involuntary
The agitator has to move structures that seem irremovable.
There are many cases where cultural agitation happens involuntarily, often caused by media or political interests. Check the #vigalondo case some weeks ago. Suddenly because of an ingenious tweet, some people thought about the limits of humor, censorship, and the use of social-networks tools. Another example is our project
But this is another issue.

The models we show, stimulate the socio-cultural life of a community and create networks. Focus on sharing the nearest creative potential of your environment and your social-network.
The results of our actions are observed in a medium and long term. They are presented as products, speeches, lectures, events, happenings or performances.

Projets we show in the conference are:
Kitsch Kitchen
Torneo Passion
Kafé tà Kabaré

Our project PASSIÓN has been selected by iDENSITATS Sport, Creativity and Social Inclusion.
The project is ongoing, awaiting funding for a documentary research.
It was also selected LA JUVENTUS a project by José Jurado , in wich we are part of the documentation team.

+ info here

"Foc a la barraca!"

New song by Os Gru: Foc a la Barraca!

Burning down the house> > >> > Botar-li foc a la barraca.

What do we can say?: transnationalism?

Remembering La Faraona, a tribute to Manuela Trasobares,
real stories, universal hymns under las carballeiras, fireworks, drama na aldea, garrafóns and other culinary peculiarities, contemporary art & os tonechos, zara home palleiras and fire!

Music & lyric by Os Gru & Zas Mooncat productions

Available for listen & download at OS GRU

Updated the documentation of several of our projects

We have updated the documentation of several of our projects, for better searching online.

(accessed click in the project title)

Kitsh Kitchen. The installation/event we did in Kitsch International gallery - Valencia.

Los Lolos. Music - Action art & Performance.

Action art & Performances by Fur Alle Falle & Iñaki López.

Dio3stu. Our circuit bending project.

Os Gru: Our music & audiovisual band.